Focus, Engagement & Resilience improves business and lives.
Leading-edge companies understand that resilient employees elevate their business. They know the surefire way to strike a profit is to invest in the well-being of their people through mindfulness skills and techniques.
At Retreat to Joy, we offer locally relevant mindfulness training and resources for businesses, entrepreneurs and community professionals here in the heartland. We are after the same results you are in productivity, focus, engagement, retention, and stress resiliency. Which improves a company's culture, teamwork, less drama, more leadership and ultimately, profitability.
What is mindfulness?
According to Jon Kabat-Zinn, the father of the modern mindfulness movement, Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally. Science is discovering is that practicing Mindfulness brings awareness into our lives, allows us to be more present with ourselves and others, and reduces stress increases productivity.


Jennifer Jones, Vice President Human Resource, Emprise Bank
“Mindfulness for me is a form of self-care.
It is a way for me to build up a reserve of kindness and patience to deal with stressful situations in everyday life.”

Stephen E. Macadam, CEO and President, Enpro Industries
Mindfulness practice has been an essential tool for me to better stay centered and present in my work and personal life.”

Chris Schmidt, CEO and Chairman, Moss Adams
“The practice of mindfulness allows me to better focus on the here and now and be present in the moment. It helps me be a better and more engaged leader.”

Dr. Ruth Nutting, Director of Behavioral Health, Ascension Via Christi Family Medicine Residency + Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Kansas School of Medicine-Wichita
As Director of Behavioral Health at the Ascension Via Christi Family Medicine Residency, I am grateful for the partnership we forged with Retreat to Joy. Constance Porazka, along with her colleagues, have equipped our physicians with mindfulness-based tools to increase their personal and professional well-being and resilience. With these tools, our physicians will be able to provide compassionate, patient-centered care today and in years to come.